Friday, August 21, 2015

Anabelle Turns 2!

How can this be?!  It seems like just yesterday that I got the call that my sister-in-law was having some labor pains and that the newest member of our family was on her way!  That day was one of the most emotional and wonderful days in my life.  To be there, helping my mom and my brother comfort and assist in bringing my niece into this world was incredibly special and such an honor.  I'll never forget looking into my brother's eyes between pushes.  I instantly started crying because I knew that his life was about to be changed forever in the best way. 
Anabelle, I love you like my own child!  You are beautiful, full of life, full of mischief, full of energy, and such a JOY to our family.  Let's celebrate 2 years of her life as I show you some of my favorites from her little mini shoot last night. 

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Most perfect little profile I've ever seen.  :)
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